The move is done (well almost) and what a change
I am back with the wife and kids and what a change it has been for all of us. Tasha, for example, has forfeited half of her small bed and half of all of her closet space, a single drawer in the bathroom and now has to deal with me on a daily basis.
The girls begged for me to move in and now I have. Bless their hearts. There isn't much argument or debate when I am here, not to say that Tasha doesn't handle her own, there just isn't much room for debate team training when I am here. Now, they make a good stand, but we are the law. Now, don't get me wrong... when they are told to do something I don't expect them to get into a three-point stance and run for the gold like Carl Lewis, but they are expected to do what they are told before the big hand on the clock moves more than twice.
And we can't forget Tuke. He has taken it like a champ, so far, but he hates being inside. He does try to dismantle the house every time we leave, and we will let him out eventually, but we don't want him to get excited and run into a very busy street and end up buzzard food.
Then there's me... I have to say that I am very happy here, very different, but very happy. No more drinking every day, no more total peace and quiet, no more lounging naked in the mornings watching ESPN, no more ... well, a lot of things. But all that is besides the point. The point is that I am here... right here... every day, with my wife, with my girls, doing what I should be doing and I am sorry for not being on-line, but I am busy doing the right thing, something that I will do with Tasha for the rest of my life.
Well, I am very happy that things are going good! :) We always want to know that you ALL are happy! I love you guys and want to see you soon!
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